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The Blogger - Responsive Grid Minimalist Blogger Template


TheBlogger is a created with more innovative, cleverly coded and feature rich magazine theme. It is easy to customize for all kinds of blog, news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site needs.

Flatform Type : BloggerTemplate Name : The BloggerTemplate Version : Free & PremiumAuthor Name : ThemeXposeDesign Url : www.themexpose.comDistrubuted by : Deviar

Power Blog Blogging - Simple Grid Desain Blogger Template


Power Blog is a Specially Designed for Blogging Purpose,It's stylish yet cool Personal Blogger Template which is suitable for any type of Personal blogs, tech blog, journal, story, Corporate and other related projects. Power Blog is designed to post all Images and Videos as well from blogger Dashboard,It's very easy to customize this template, a new blogger user can

Sora Fast - Minimalist Design Blogger Template


Sora Fast Blogger Template is a clean and modern-looking theme that has an overall fresh look and absolutely zero clutter. Write your unique story about travel, inspirations, food, photos, weddings and everyday moments. Let’s make your blog the source of inspiration. This theme can be easily installed to start your personal clean and minimal blog within one click.

Pixelz - Responsive Modern Fast Blogger Template


PixelZ Blog blogger template is clean, simple and easy-to-use news & magazine Blogger Template that is built for you to create your own pages exactly as you want. It is specially designed for any kind of newspaper, blog, magazine, portaland personal type website. We strongly focused on the content and readability because they’re obviously important for all website

Clean Responsive Blogger Template

Halo Guyss...

Bagi bagi template gratis nih, tentunya gratis tis tis gan gak bayar kok..


Template ini namanya Clean Blogger Template dibuat oleh ThemeXpose, yup ThemeXpose nih templatenya..

Nah template ini sesuai namanya yaitu clean maka template inipun bersih dalam penggunaan warna dan penataan tata letaknya gan.

Jadi bisa dipastikan rapih kalau ini template.

Livia Luna Blogger Template(Grid Style)

Halo Guys...

Gimana Kabarnya? Semoga baik dan sehat selalu ya guys, template yang akan saya bagikan kali ini dari admin namina.

Yang penasaran sama admin bisa contact nih fbnya...


Nah template ini bergayakan Grid, so yang suka grid grid monggo simpen dulu atau bisa juga langsung pakai di blog anda.

Seperti yang agan ketahui bahwa template

NonameAMP Blogger Template


NonameAMP - Halo Gan gan, lama nih gak update beberapa minggu ini, kali ini seperti biasa saya mau share template buat agan semua para blogger indonesia setanah air seindonesia.

Okeh, template kali ini dari ThemeIndie ya, template ini mantep gan banget dah sampe harganya pun tinggi juga gan.


8$ atau setara dengan 110k rupiah

Wow gak gan harganya...


Maverick Fashion Blogger Template

Maverick Fashion Blogger Template - Halo gan, oke sekarang ane mau share template gratis.

Agan : Nah asik setelah sekian lama share template yang premium mulu

Ane : Ya kali gan maunya gratis mulu, biar gak bosen bahas template yang gratisan melulu

Nah emang bener gan kalau ini template gratis tis tis tis tis, sekali lagi dapet gelas dari emak, kaboor...

Oke deh, mari kemabli ketopik. Jadi